Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lunch Lady Land...

I was reminded again today why I love being a lunch lady.....

There is a special little group of kids that get to come to the lunch room before any of the other little darlings do....these kids are real special...they have been chosen by Heavenly Father to come to this earth for the benefit of us all.

There is one girl in this group that is a little should we say"difficult" for her teachers at times...and seems to be in a not . so . good . mood . most days.

Well today guess what she did.... the cutest thing that brought a smile to my face... and reminded me of the important things in life....

She smiled at me and blew me a kiss!!!! And then the little sweetie graped my hand.

I wonder why she was having such a good day today? I wonder if her parents told her they loved her when they sent her to school today? I wonder if her teachers where extra patient with her today?

I wonder if she knows that she made MY day?!?!?

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Well I have recently been inspired to start blogging. For the last 3 months I have been following some amazing blogs and have been given much hope, happiness and inspiration from people I have never met. It is amazing. I hope that I may be able to inspire others the way I have been. Happy blogging!!!

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