Thursday, April 8, 2010


Everyone be quite.........their still sleeping

it is 9sh at the Andrus house and I am awake... that is the first surprise....and awake before the kids. Oh the things I have accomplished already. It is wonderful.
Homemade wholewheat waffles,homemade syrup warm and waiting for my little darlings to rise. Colored my hair, showered, dressed, dishwasher going, washer and dryer going. My oh my what has come over me? (i think i might sneak and get me a fountain diet coke before anyone knows...shh)

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Hello All

Well I have recently been inspired to start blogging. For the last 3 months I have been following some amazing blogs and have been given much hope, happiness and inspiration from people I have never met. It is amazing. I hope that I may be able to inspire others the way I have been. Happy blogging!!!

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